DEMOCRAT certification: Detection, Evaluation and Operational Control of Radical, Social and Transgressive Behaviour

What is DEMOCRAT certification?

Qu'est-ce que

What is radicalisation ?

The term " radicalisation " entered the news after the 2012 attacks by Mohamed Merrah in Toulouse as well as the events in France in January and November 2015.

Since then, the term has become almost synonymous with Islamic terrorism, although the phenomena of radicalisation are not new and have not always concerned the religious fact.

In fact, if the ultimate forms of radicalisation have been able to mark France recently, it is no less true that there are other behaviours testifying to an ideological radicalisation (environmental, political, social ...), likely to disrupt the nation's activities and the integrity of institutions.

These behaviours, whatever their form, have a direct and indirect impact on the French social body (companies, institutions, local authorities, associations, etc.), which must implement preventive and emergency measures to prevent and manage these phenomena.

These involve anticipation and operational control measures for these radicalisation phenomena, which themselves require to prepare the employees of organisations with an adapted certification.


What is DEMOCRAT certification?

Given the growing importance for companies to control and prevent the radicalisation of behaviours and given the limited number of effective means to achieve this, Apave Certification offers a certification that intervenes at the end of a 9-day course provided by the Apave training organisation and IFET (Institut de Formation des Elus Territoriaux), in partnership with the Gendarmerie Nationale. The exam takes place on the 10th and last day of the course.


The C by Apave certificate delivered by Apave Certification is aimed at senior managers of companies or public organisations (including local authorities) and assesses the knowledge and skills of any person whose role is to implement procedures to prevent or deal with the phenomenon of radicalisation. 

Who the DEMOCRAT certification is for ?

A qui d'adresse

Anyone whose professional activities and responsibilities involve putting in place measures to prevent radicalised behaviour and/or operational emergency procedures.

Complément de texte

The course is provided by the training organisation Apave and IFET (Institut de Formation des Elus Territoriaux), in partnership with the Gendarmerie Nationale.

This certification pathway is eligible for the CPF.

Why choose Apave

Pourquoi choisir Apave

Apave Certification is a recognized and independent certification body (third party) specialized in Certification Engineering.

Apave Certification relies on a network of qualified internal and external auditors throughout France and internationally.

Apave Certification is involved in both voluntary professional certifications and regulatory and mandatory certifications.

Apave Certification's services are based on 5 major areas:

  • Management systems
  • Skills
  • Products (CB Scheme...)
  • Labels / Assessments (HS2...)

Steps and processes

Etapes et processus

Requisites :

To be eligible for the certification course, you must demonstrate that you have missions related to the protection of organisations (companies or public organisations), with a particularly marked safety/security/crisis management component(s), requiring you to set up and lead radicalisation prevention and crisis management processes, for example by holding a position of responsibility in one of the departments below:

  • Legal department, in particular in charge of defining processes for combating radicalisation by ensuring compliance with the legal framework in which the organisation is placed

  • Safety / security management, in particular in charge of defining, implementing and ensuring compliance with the company's internal procedures

  • General management, in particular as a team manager, such as the management of a site or its entire organisation more generally.


Schedule of the review :

This exam comes at the end of the DEMOCRAT training. This one consists of 3 phases, one theoretical, the second consisting of a case study, the whole being finalized by an interview with the examiner.

The examination is given by a member of the board of directors.

It is delivered by an examiner who did not take part in the training.

  1. Theoretical phase (1h) : MCQ of 40 questions covering all the issues of radicalisation in France and the legal framework applying to it.

  2. Case study (20 min) : The candidate draws a subject at random confronting him/her with a degraded or crisis situation, linked to a radicalisation issue, and must prepare a detailed plan proposing a method of action

  3. Interview (30 min) : on the basis of the case preparation from phase 2, the candidate exchanges with the examiner who assesses his understanding and global vision of the subject, the knowledge acquired during his or her training, the appropriation of good practices as well as his or her ability to implement them in the organisation.

To obtain his certificate, the candidate must obtain :

  • 75% correct answers to the MCQ

  • A favourable opinion from the examiner at the end of his interview

If the candidate passes the exam, he/she receives his/her C by Apave certificate of competence.



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Apave Certification's strengths

Apave Certification's services are based on 5 major areas: Management systems Skills certification (DPO...) Product certification (CB Scheme...) Services (Qualiopi) Labels / Evaluations (HS2...)

Independent third party
Apave Certification is a recognized and independent certification body specialized in certification engineering.

Apave Certification works quickly, throughout France and internationally, and keeps deadlines under control.

Apave Certification relies on a large geographical network of qualified internal and external auditors, both nationally and internationally.

Apave Certification is a flexible structure with a customer-oriented approach, which is involved in both voluntary professional certifications and regulatory and mandatory certifications.

Apave Certification, a subsidiary of the Apave group, benefits from solid expertise based on extensive customer feedback over more than 150 years.

Recognitions and accreditations
Apave Certification holds numerous accreditations and recognitions, guaranteeing our quality and technical systems and proving our competence, know-how and independence.




Toolkits and useful links

Your questions

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us!

Yes, this certification is eligible for the CPF, like the entire certification course.

To register, or for any request for information, please contact Aurore Cassinat: - 06 50 03 27 89.