Logista Hometech: when a services company adapts to seniors’ needs with HS2® !

Since bringing comfort and a sense of security to the most fragile tenants is a priority, Logista Hometech embarked on the process of the HS2® Label, the label of “aging well at home” issued by Apave Certification.
The services company received the label in September 2022, during the HLM Congress of the Social Union for Housing in Lyon, France.
A positive commitment
“Logista Hometech’s mission is to provide comfort and security to its most vulnerable clients”, explained its Managing Director, Philippe Huarte after receiving the label in Lyon.
Specialized since 1994 in home maintenance for companies and individuals, the group first developed its activity towards installation and maintenance of heating systems plumbing, electricity equipment, etc.
Nowadays, over 25% of tenants are more than 65 years old, in order to face this challenge, the group launched an offer entirely dedicated to “seniors’ housing” which provides services aiming to help elderly people with limited mobility to live autonomously in their homes for longer.
“We wanted to have a very specific approach to this issue and the label (HS2®) appeared like evidence for us”.
According to M. Huarte, engaging in the HS2® labeling process gave structure to Logista Hometech and it allowed them to have a real plan for the implementation of their new offer but also for the acquisition of the label. After the audit conducted by Apave Certification, the group obtained 3 macarons.
Quality offers
While the life expectancy of French people is rising more and more, aging often leads to a loss of autonomy. Living alone in an unequipped house can become dangerous for old people. To face this issue, Logista Hometech chose to obtain the HS2® Label which aims for the maintenance and home support of elderly and/or vulnerable persons for as long as possible in the best conditions. Or organize their move to new or renovated housing integrating the HS2® standard.
Logista Hometech now offers a range of solutions for seniors' well-being, from phone support to housing intervention.
Logista Hometech “has a customer relations center to welcome the needs of its clients, especially frail people and seniors”, who are supported 24/7 by expert employees trained in customer relations for seniors.
HS2®, a collective win
Logista Hometech has matured its project of customer relations center dedicated to senior tenants
2 years until the initial audit, which validated the issuance of the label last September.
A follow-up audit will take place within 2 years to confirm its continuation.
With its three macarons, Logista Hometech will benefit from the HS2® Label until 2026. A step considered by Mr. Huarte as “a real collective victory for the company”.
Fully satisfied with the HS2® approach, the Logista Hometech Group does not intend to stop there and would like to obtain the 4 buttons, the maximum level of labeling, at the time of renewal in 4 years.